Siap membantu 

KAMI adalah solusi cepat anda 

dalam menyelesaikan masalah…!!!

Dimanapun anda berada,
Bila anda butuh jasa santet,
Jenis santet / teluh 
yg kami tawarkan untuk anda sekalian :

Spesialis khusus santet & teluh…!!!

Menerima jasa santet bergaransi
Ampuh – Mati 


Anda di sakiti orang…???
Masalah karier…???
Masalah wanita…???
Masalah pria…???
Kesabaran ada batasnya…!!!
Saatnya dendam untuk dituntaskan…!!!
Gunakan jasa,semua dijamin beres…!!!

Santet Kami tidak akan terdeteksi oleh siapapun baik Paranormal ataupun ulama besar sekalipun…!!!

Khusus bagi yang serius, tidak 

main-main dan mempunyai 

kemampuan pendanaan…!!!

Santet / Teluh 

 Bayangan Dinding, 

berupa Pepohonan, Lautan, 

Manusia lewat,

Kendaraan berhadapan dll.

Jenis santet  bayangan ini sangat ganas yg bisa membuat target mati kecelakaan secara halus dan tiba-tiba:

Mahar di bayar dimuka :

35 juta (proses 7 hari)
45 juta (proses 5 hari)
165 juta (proses 3 hari)
175 juta (proses 2 hari)

Santet / Roso

Jenis santet ganas perpaduan alam pikiran bawah sadar dan jin yg membuat target dikunci kelaminnya, mati lemas, tidak bisa berdiri dll hanya bisa digunakan untuk anda

Mahar di bayar di muka :

28 juta (proses 8 hari)
32 juta (proses 6 hari)
148 juta (proses 4 hari)
165 juta (proses 2 hari)

Santet / Teluh sajam

jenis santet ganas dari pedalaman jawa yang mampu membuat korban mengidap penyakit aneh

Mahar di bayar di muka :

21 juta (proses 9 hari)
27 juta (proses 7 hari)
143 juta (proses 4 hari)
157 juta (proses 2 hari)

Santet / Teluh Buntet

Jenis santet ganas yg bekerja pada target membuat jiwa korban menjadi terganggu dan gila seketika

Mahar di bayar di muka :

29 juta (proses 8 hari)
39 juta (proses 6 hari)
47 juta (proses 4 hari)
149 juta (proses 2 hari)

Santet / Teluh Bisa Kelabang

jenis santet ganas membuat korban menderita sakit yg cukup lama dan mati perlahan-lahan

Mahar di bayar di muka :

23 juta (proses 9 hari)
33 juta (proses 6 hari)
43 juta (proses 4 hari)
137 juta (proses 2 hari)

Santet / Teluh Bulu Bambu

jenis santet ganas yg bisa menyebabkan kulit menjadi rusak dan gatal-gatal sehingga korban tidak akan pernah tenang dalam kondisi apapun

Mahar di bayar di muka :

27 juta (proses 9 hari)
38 juta (proses 7 hari)
148 juta (proses 4 hari)
158 juta (proses 2 hari)

Santet Luweng/ tidak laku menikah

jenis santet yg membuat target tidak laku kawin seumur hidupnya. untuk pria dan wanita atau tua muda bebas agama apapun.

Mahar di bayar di muka :

28 juta (proses 10 hari)
37 juta (proses 8 hari)
149 juta (proses 6 hari)
143 juta (proses 3 hari)

Santet / Buntet

Jenis santet yg membuat target yg dituju tidak bisa buang air kecil dan buang air besar

Mahar di bayar di muka :

29 juta (proses 8 hari)
33 juta (proses 6 hari)
147 juta (proses 4hari)
143 juta (proses 2hari)

Santet / Teluh Pasir Laut

Jenis santet ganas dg memakai media foto dan data diri target lengkap,bisa membuat orang yang anda benci supaya lumpuh total seluruh badannya tidak berdaya,menderita seumur hidup lahir dan bathin.

Mahar di bayar di muka :

39 juta (proses 9 hari)
47 juta (proses 6 hari)
59 juta (proses 3 hari)
68 juta (proses 2 hari)


Jenis santet ganas dan licin yg membuat target menjadi lupa dan bingung apa yg telah dia perbuat dan lupa dg perbuatan org lain seketika itu juga

Mahar di bayar di muka :

27 juta (proses  7 hari)
33 juta (proses 6 hari)
138 juta (proses 4 hari)
145 juta (proses  3 hari)

Semua jenis santet / teluh hitam yg kami tawarkan menggunakan kekuatan jin sakti yg maha dahsyat yg kami kirim dari jarak jauh.

Kami beri garansi 

total jika terjadi kegagalan

 / belum tembus. 

Uang kembali

Anda bisa buktikan sendiri keaslian dan kenyataannya walaupun anda kurang percaya dan masih ragu sekalipun.
Mohon maaf santet kami hanya untuk yg serius dan benar-benar membutuhkannya.

Rahasia anda kami jamin dan fakta membuktikan bahwa selama ini belum ada pasien yg kecewa atas kinerja kami.

Dimohon saat menghubungi kami 

terlebih dahulu 

sertakan nama lengkap,

tgl lahir pekerjaan 

 alamat lengkap

 no hp yang aktif, 

 ini syarat pertama 



Anda sopan kami pun segan.

Keterangan :

Untuk yg ingin memesan langsung harap dg perjanjian terlebih dahulu.

Harap membawa bukti transfer mahar untuk mendapatkan nomor antrian.

Tidak ada bukti transfer, maka tidak akan dilayani dan silahkan kembali.

Melayani jarak jauh (pasien yang tidak bisa ke tempat kami)
Anda berminat dan ingin memesannya?

Melayani Jarak Jauh (Santet, Teluh, Pesugihan, Penglaris, Pengobatan, Tolak Bala) secara GAIB dengan bantuan makhluk halus ..........

Pada dasarnya Ilmu Santet adalah ilmu yang mempelajari bagaimana memasukkan benda atau sesuatu ke tubuh orang lain dengan tujuan menyakiti.

Benda ini bisa saja misalnya sebuah paku atau seekor binatang berbisa yang dikirim secara gaib untuk dimasukkan ke tubuh seseorang dengan tujuan menyakiti orang tersebut.

Walaupun proses santet yang gaib ini sulit dimengerti secara ilmu pengetahuan, dan logika tapi secara logis santet dapat dimengerti sebagai proses dematerialisasi. Pada saat santet akan dikirim, benda-benda seperti paku, jarum, beling, ataupun binatang berbisa ini diubah dari materi menjadi energi negatif.

Kemudian dalam bentuk energi, benda ini dikirim menuju sasaran. Setelah tepat mengenai sasaran, energi ini diubah kembali menjadi materi. Sehingga apa-apa yang tadi dikirim, misalnya beling,jarum,paku dan binatang berbisa akan masuk ke tubuh seseorang yang merupakan sasaran santet. Selanjutnya secara otomatis benda-benda yang tadi dimasukkan melalui santet ini akan menimbulkan kesakitan pada tubuh orang yang disantet


witchcraft ENEMY

ready to help

WE are your fast solution

in solving the problem ... !!!

Where ever you are,
If you need the services of witchcraft,
Kind of black magic / witchcraft
which we offer to you all:

Special Specialist witchcraft and witchcraft ... !!!

Receive witchcraft warranty services
Powerful - Dead

You are hurting people ... ???
Career problems ... ???
Women's issues ... ???
Problems man ... ???
Patience has its limits ... !!!
Time for revenge to be completed ... !!!
Use services, all secured wrong ... !!!

Witchcraft We will not be detected by anyone either paranormal or even great scholars ... !!!

Especially for serious, not

playful and have

financing ability ... !!!

Black magic / witchcraft

 Shadow Wall,

in the form of Trees, Ocean,

Human passing,

Vehicles are dealing etc.

This type of highly malignant witchcraft shadows that can make the target dies subtly accident and suddenly:

Mahar in pay upfront:

35 million (the seventh day)
45 million (the fifth day)
165 million (the third day)
175 million (the second day)

Witchcraft / Roso

Types of malignant witchcraft blend subconscious mind and the Jinns makes the target is locked genitals, suffocation, could not stand etc. can only be used for your

Mahar paid in advance:

28 million (the eighth day)
32 million (the sixth day)
148 million (the fourth day)
165 million (the second day)

Black magic / witchcraft Sajam

malignant witchcraft kind of inland Java is able to make the victim suffer strange diseases

Mahar paid in advance:

21 million (the ninth day)
27 million (the seventh day)
143 million (the fourth day)
157 million (the second day)

Black magic / witchcraft Buntet

Types of malignant witchcraft working on making the target a victim soul becomes disturbed and crazy at once

Mahar paid in advance:

29 million (the eighth day)
39 million (the sixth day)
47 million (the fourth day)
149 million (the second day)

Black magic / witchcraft Can centipede

type of malignant witchcraft make victims ill is relatively long and slow death

Mahar paid in advance:

23 million (the ninth day)
33 million (the sixth day)
43 million (the fourth day)
137 million (the second day)

Black magic / witchcraft Fur Bamboo

malignant type of witchcraft that can cause skin to become damaged and itching so that the victims will never be calm in any condition

Mahar paid in advance:

27 million (the ninth day)
38 million (the seventh day)
148 million (the fourth day)
158 million (the second day)

Witchcraft Luweng / unsold married

kind of black magic that makes the target no mating behavior for a lifetime. for men and women or young and old are free of any religion.

Mahar paid in advance:

28 million (the 10 days)
37 million (the eighth day)
149 million (the sixth day)
143 million (the third day)

Witchcraft / Buntet

Type witchcraft enacting the intended target you can not urinate and defecate

Mahar paid in advance:

29 million (the eighth day)
33 million (the sixth day)
147 million (process 4Days)
143 million (process 2day)

Witchcraft / demarcation of sea sand

Dg types of malignant witchcraft and put on photo media data themselves full target, you can make people who hate that paralyzed his entire body helpless, suffering a lifetime of spiritual and physical.

Mahar paid in advance:

39 million (the ninth day)
47 million (the sixth day)
59 million (the third day)
68 million (the second day)

witchcraft AMNESIA

Types of malignant witchcraft and slippery which made the target of being forgotten and confused what she had done and forget dg other org act instantly

Mahar paid in advance:

27 million (the seventh day)
33 million (the sixth day)
138 million (the fourth day)
145 million (the third day)

All kinds of witchcraft / black teluh that we offer uses the power of magic genie that almighty that we send remotely.

We give a guarantee

total in case of failure

 / Not translucent.


You can see for yourself the authenticity and reality even if you lack confidence and are still in doubt though.
We are sorry we only for witchcraft of serious and really need.

We guarantee your secrets and facts prove that there had been no patient who was disappointed on our performance.

Requested when you contact us


please include your full name,

Date of Birth job

 complete address

 no hp active,

 The first condition



You politely we were reluctant.

Information :

For who want to book directly please dg agreement beforehand.

Please bring proof of transfer of dowry to get a queue number.

There is no evidence of the transfer, it will not be served, and please come back.

Serving distance (patients who can not get to where we are)
You are interested and want to order?

Serving Distance (witchcraft, Pesugihan, Penglaris, Medicine, Reject Bala) magically with the help of spirits ..........


Basically Santet Science is the study of how to insert objects or something into the body of another person with the intention to hurt.

These objects could be for example a nail or a venomous animals sent unseen to put one's body with the aim of hurting the person.

Although the process of occult witchcraft is hard to understand in science, and logic but logically witchcraft can be understood as a process of dematerialization. At the time of witchcraft will be sent, objects such as nails, needles, broken glass, or converted from a venomous animal matter into negative energy.

Then in the form of energy, this object is sent to the target. After exactly on target, this energy is converted back into matter. So nothing was sent, for example glass, needles, nails and venomous animals will enter the body of someone who is the target of witchcraft. Furthermore automatically objects that had been inserted through witchcraft will cause pain in the body of the person who harmed using black